Eligibility Form |
Thank you for your interest in this Miriam Hospital study: MyReport (My Real Experiences and Personal Observations Recorded Today).
This research study will investigate the use of e-cigs/vapes, regular cigarettes, alcohol, AND/OR marijuana, and stress in daily life among young adults (ages 18-25). Eligible participants will visit the lab once to complete questionnaires and computer tasks, fill out daily surveys for 35-days on your personal smartphone and provide saliva samples collected at home. Participants will be paid for their time.
If you are interested in participating, please complete the following questions. If you are eligible to participate, a member of our research staff will contact you.
Note: This is not a mental health treatment study. You will not receive substance use or mental health treatment. This is a National Institute of Health sponsored non-clinical trial research study.
By clicking "Submit" at the end of this survey, you are agreeing to share your survey responses with a study representative. This information is kept completely confidential and will be used for screening purposes.