HRPP Ticket System: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

HRPP Ticket System is LIVE! Please utilize the ticket system for all inquiries to the HRPP Office (Including IRB Navigator and Single IRB/Reliance-Related Inquiries). Link to the HRPP Ticket System is here:;

1.       Q. What is the HRPP Ticket System?

A REDCap survey designed by HRPP to deliver guidance and capture inquiries to be assigned to the most appropriate party, in the most efficient way possible.

The purpose of the HRPP Ticket System is twofold:

1.       Create a single, streamline communication system for researchers to get status updates, education, guidance and communication from the HRPP Office. By all researchers submitting all inquiries for the HRPP Office in one place, available trained staff will be able to easily follow up on any inquiries for which the built-in Ticket System Guidance did not answer the researcher's question

2.       By consolidating all inquiries (versus individual HRPP staff members receiving emails and calls, in addition to communications received via the HRPP email), the HRPP Office will be able to carefully track the number of inquiries received by our office. This data is essential to track metrics, monitor the quality of education and guidance provided by the HRPP Office and to meet AAHRPP accreditation standard to periodically review the resources allocated to the HRPP and adjusts resources as needed

2.       Q. What type of tickets are available?

There is a ticket for every inquiry!

The following ticket types can be submitted:

1.       Request a status update

2.       Get general Guidance on variety of IRB-related topics

3.       *Get guidance regarding A New or Existing IRB Submission

4.       *Learn about Reliance submissions (either Lifespan is the Reviewing IRB for up to two additional sites OR Lifespan is relying on an external IRB for IRB review; but Lifespan's IRB is still responsible for the local context/conduct of the study)

5.       Report Time Sensitive Issues/Situations (Emergency Use, Unanticipated Problems, Major Deviation, HIPAA Breach)

6.       Submit an Extension Request to Complete Requested edits (Pre-Review Unlock letter and/or Action Required Outcome letter)

*If you submit this ticket type, you will automatically receive a link to the booking calendar. You are not required to book but are welcome to. If you book an appointment, you will meet via teams with HRPP staff

3.       Q. Who will respond to my ticket?

Your inquiry will be responded to as expeditiously as possible by either HRPP's IRB Navigator, HRPP's Reliance Specialist, or other designated HRPP staff; if they cannot directly assist you they will collaborate within HRPP or with other departments as needed to get you the information you need.

If the initial guidance you receive is insufficient, you can respond in the ticket system to get further clarification.

The IRB Navigator's role is to provide 1:1 direct support for researchers

The Reliance Specialist's role is to oversee the execution of reliance agreements for when Lifespan relies on an external IRB and when Lifespan is the reviewing IRB for up to two external sites 

4.       Q. Why do I need to submit a ticket?

To help the HRPP manage and address the large volume of inquiries that are received on a daily basis. Often inquires are sent to the incorrect contact person, or multiple inquires are sent to separate team members, creating redundancy and inefficiency. The ticket system will assign the ticket to the appropriate contact, based on the information that is provided; or the ticket can easily be reassigned by an HRPP team member when appropriate.  

5.       Q. Can I bypass the ticket system and just book an appointment using the HRPP Booking Calendar? Why can't this information be captured when I book an appointment via the HRPP Booking Calendar?

REDCap has additional functionality and data tracking capabilities than the HRPP Booking Calendar; therefore, all information will be captured in the HRPP Ticket System and the HRPP Booking Calendar collects basic contact information and the corresponding ticket number to connect the information.

6.       Q. Will the HRPP Ticket System replace emails/phone calls with the HRPP Office?

HRPP Office is asking all researchers to submit all inquiries via the HRPP Ticket System to assist us with tracking. The HRPP Ticket system has been designed to capture urgent and time sensitive inquiries and will automatically send researchers the link to the HRPP Booking Calendar when appropriate. Due to the limited number of HRPP staff compared to the number of researchers we serve, using the ticket system makes serving the research community easier for our staff.

Although using the ticket system is preferred for maximum efficiency, you can also contact HRPP in the following ways:

HRPP Office:

IRB Navigator:

o   Office Line: 401-444-6797

o   Email:

o   Teams: "Jean, Alli"

Reliance Specialist:

o   Email:

o   If you need a same-day call with Claire Walker send her a teams message at "Walker, Claire" to schedule

7.       Q: If after I submit my ticket and I don't hit "Close Survey" will HRPP still receive my ticket?

A: Yes

8.       Q: Is the Affiliate, Dept, Email and Phone section meant for PI info or submitter info?

A: Submitter info to be contacted for follow-up

9.       Q: If I submit feedback via the Ticket system feedback survey and/or directly to HRPP staff, will my proposed changes be implemented?

A: HRPP appreciates all researcher feedback and will make all feasible changes; there may be suggested edits that cannot be made due to their applicability for the wider research community and/or the necessity of capturing general data. HRPP will continue to communicate with the Lifespan research community about any frequently suggested edits to the Ticket System and the Ticket System will be updated as necessary over time. If user issues are encountered, please contact If the guidance provided is insufficient, let us know so we can get you additional information.

10.   Q: Will HRPP be monitoring the HRPP Ticket System's Metrics, i.e. response times?

A: Yes!  The ticket system allows HRPP to view all inquiries in a central place with a time stamp (vs in Lifespan email accts with access limited to the user). Metrics for how long tickets are open will be carefully monitored as the main purpose of the HRPP Ticket System is to provide efficient, timely communication for researchers. 

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